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Digital activism, Citizen Media & Social Movements


Barbas, Á., and Treré, E. (2022). The rise of a new media ecosystem: exploring 15M’s educommunicative
legacy for radical democracy. Social Movement Studies, pp. 1-21

Candón-Mena, J. and Treré, E. (2022) Visionarios pragmáticos: Imaginarios, mitos y tecnopolítica en el
movimiento 15M, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas: Reis, 180, pp. 47-64.

Treré, E. and Yu, Z. 2021. The evolution and power of online consumer activism: illustrating the hybrid
dynamics of "consumer video activism" in China through two case studies. Journal of Broadcasting and
Electronic Media, pp. 1-25

Treré, E., Candón-Mena, J. and Sola-Morales, S. 2021. Imaginarios activistas sobre Internet: Del mito tecno-
utópico al desencanto digital. CIC Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación, 26, pp. 33-53.

Barranquero, A. and Treré, E. 2021. Comunicación alternativa y comunitaria. La conformación del
campo en Europa y el diálogo con América Latina. Chasqui, Revista Latinoamericana de Comunicación 146,
pp. 159-181.

Treré, E. 2020. The banality of WhatsApp: On the everyday politics of backstage activism in Mexico and
Spain. First Monday 25, article number: 1.

Kavada, A. and Treré, E. 2020. Live democracy and its tensions: making sense of livestreaming in the
15M and occupy. Information, Communication and Society 23(12), pp. 1787-1804

Treré, E. (2018). The sublime of digital activism: hybrid media ecologies and the new grammar of
protest. Journalism and Communication Monographs, 20(2), 137–148.

Treré, E., Jeppesen, S. and Mattoni, M. (2017). Comparing digital protest media imaginaries: antiausterity
movements in Greece, Italy & Spain. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique, 15(2),

Treré, E. and Mattoni, A. (2016). Media ecologies and protest movements: main perspectives and key lessons.
Information, Communication & Society, 19(3), 290–306.

Gerbaudo, P. and Treré, E. (2015). In search of the “we” of social media activism. Introduction to the

Special Issue on Social Media and Protest Identities, Information, Communication & Society, 18(8), 865–

Treré, E. and Pleyers, G. (2015). A conversation with Geoffrey Pleyers: the battlefields of Latin American
struggles and the challenges of the Internet for social change. International Journal of Communication,
9, 3814–3822.

Treré, E. & Gutiérrez, B. (2015). A conversation with Bernardo Gutiérrez: exploring technopolitics in Latin
America. International Journal of Communication, 9, 3803–3813

Treré, E. (2015). Reclaiming, proclaiming, and maintaining collective identity in the #YoSoy132
movement in Mexico: an examination of digital frontstage and backstage activism through social media
and instant messaging platforms. Information, Communication & Society, 18(8), 901–915.

Treré, E. and Barassi, V. (2015). Net-authoritarianism? How web ideologies reinforce political hierarchies
in the Italian 5 Star Movement. Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies, 33, pp. 287–304

Treré, E. and Magallanes-Blanco, C. (2015). Battlefields, experiences, debates: Latin American
struggles and digital media resistance. Introduction. International Journal of Communication, 9.

Farinosi, M. and Treré, E. (2014). Challenging mainstream media, documenting real life and sharing with
the community: an analysis of the motivations for producing citizen journalism in a post-disaster city.
Global Media and Communication, 10(1), 73–92.

Treré, E. and Cargnelutti, D. (2014). Movimientos sociales, redes sociales y Web 2.0: el caso del
Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad. Communication & Society/Comunicación y Sociedad,
27(1), 183–203.

Mattoni, A., and Treré, E. (2014). Media Practices, Mediation Processes, and Mediatization in the Study
of Social Movements. Communication Theory, 24(3), 252–271

García, R. G., and Treré, E. (2014). The #YoSoy132 movement and the struggle for media
democratization in Mexico. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media
Technologies, 20(4), 496–510

Treré, E. and Barranquero, A. (2013). De mitos y sublimes digitales: movimientos sociales y tecnologías
de la comunicación desde una perspectiva histórica. Revista de Estudios para el Desarrollo Social de la
Comunicación (, 8, 27–47.

Treré, E. (2013). #YoSoy132: la experiencia de los nuevos movimientos sociales en México y el papel
de las redes sociales desde una perspectiva crítica. Educación Social. Revista de Intervención
Socioeducativa, 55, 112–121.

Treré, E. (2013). #YoSoy132: l’experiència dels nous moviments socials a Mèxic i el paper de les xarxes
socials des d’una perspectiva crítica. Educació Social. Revista d’Intervenció Socioeducativa, 55, 101–
119 (Catalan version)

Barassi, V. and Treré, E. (2012). Does Web 3.0 come after Web 2.0? Deconstructing theoretical
assumptions through practice. New Media & Society, 14(8), 1269–1285

Treré, E. (2012). Social movements as information ecologies: exploring the coevolution of multiple
Internet technologies for activism. International Journal of Communication, 6, 2359–2377.

Treré, E. and Bazzarin, V. (2011). Exploring Italian Micro Web TVs: how high-Tech bricoleurs redefine
audiences? ESSACHESS Journal for Communication Studies, 4, 1(7).

Farinosi, M., and Treré, E. (2010). Inside the “People of the Wheelbarrows”: participation between online
and offline dimension in the post-quake social movement. The Journal of Community Informatics, 6(3).


Treré, E. (forthcoming 2023) Media ecologies, social movements and activism. In S. Coleman and L.
Sorensen, Handbook of Digital Politics. Edward Elgar

Treré, E. and Harlow, S. (2023) Strengths and Blind Spots of Digital Activism in Latin America: Mapping Actors, Tools, and Theories. In F. Rossi (Ed). Oxford Handbook of Latin American Social Movements. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Treré, E. and Kaun, A. (2021) Contextualizando el activismo digital: Una perspectiva histórico-ecológica,
in Jose Candón Mena and David Montero Sánchez (Eds.) Del ciberactivismo a la tecnopolítica,
Movimientos sociales en la era del escepticismo tecnológico. Comunicación Social Ediciones y
Publicaciones, Spain, pp. 71-93.

Treré, E and Kaun, A (2021) Digital Media Activism. In Historicizing media and communication concepts
of the digital age. In G. Balbi, N. Ribeiro, V. Schafer and C. Schwarzenegger (Eds.) Berlin, Germany: de
Gruyter, pp. 193-208.

Treré, E (2021) Después del eclipse computacional: iluminando las dinámicas del activismo tras
bambalinas, in F. Sierra (Ed.) Economía Política de la Comunicación, Comunicación Social, Salamanca:
Spain, pp. 423-441.

Kaplún, G., Barranquero, A. and Treré, E. (2020). Alternative Communication in Europe and Latin
America: So Far Away, Yet So Close. In F. Oliveira Paulino, G.Kaplún, and L. Custódio (Eds.), Research
Traditions in Dialogue – Communication Studies in Latin America and Europe. Ramada (Portugal):
media XXI – Publishing, Research and Consulting, pp. 229-240 (also available in Spanish)

Barranquero, A. and Treré, E. (2020). A Historical and Comparative Perspective on the Studies on
Alternative and Community Communication in Europe. In F. Oliveira Paulino, G.Kaplún, and L. Custódio
(Eds.), Research Traditions in Dialogue – Communication Studies in Latin America and Europe.
Ramada (Portugal): media XXI – Publishing, Research and Consulting, pp. 191-214 (also available in

Magallanes-Blanco, C and Treré, E. (2020) Contemporary Social Movements and Digital Media
Resistance in Latin America. In A. Cristina Pertierra and J. Francisco Salazar (Eds.) Media Cultures in
Latin America. Key Concepts and New Debates. London: Routledge, pp. 110-127.

Stephansen, HC and Treré, E. (2019). Practice what you preach? Current, connections, and challenges
in theorizing citizen media and practice. In HC Stephansen and E Trere (Eds.) Citizen Media and
Practice. Current, Connections, Challenges. London: Routledge, pp. 1-34.

Treré, E. (2019). Nomads of cyber-urban space: media hybridity as resistance. In M. Mortensen, C.
Neumayer and T. Poell (Eds.), Social Media Materialities and Protest: Critical Reflections. London:

Treré, E. (2018). From digital activism to algorithmic resistance. In G. Meikle (Ed.), The Routledge
Companion to Media and Activism. London: Routledge, pp. 367-375.

Treré, E. and Barranquero, A. (2018). Technopolitics and social movements: towards a dialogue
between Northern and Southern perspectives. In F. S. Caballero and T. Gravante (Eds.), Networks,
Movements & Technopolitics in Latin America: Critical Analysis and Current Challenges. London:
Palgrave McMillan.

Treré, E. (2016). Del levantamiento zapatista al escándalo NSA: lecciones aprendidas, debates actuales
y futuros desafíos de la resistencia digital. In J. Y. Candón and L. Benítez Eyzaguirre (Eds.), Activismo
digital y nuevos modos de ciudadania: Una mirada global, InCom-UAB Publicacions, 12. Bellaterra:
Institut de la Comunicació, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, (pp. 40-60)

Treré, E. (2016). The #YoSoy132 movement in Mexico. In E. Gordon and P. Mihailidis (Eds.), The Civic
Media Reader. MA: MIT Press (pp. 501–512). The #YoSoy132 movement in Mexico is also included in
the Civic Media Project (CMP), an online project of the MIT Press for innovative academic publishing.

Treré, E. (2015). Ecología del videoactivismo contemporáneo en México: alcances y limitaciones de las
prácticas de resistencia en las redes digitales. In F. Sierra and D. Montero (Eds). Videoactivismo y
movimientos sociales. Teoría y praxis de las multitudes conectadas, Barcelona: GEDISA (pp. 167–187).

Treré, E. (2015). Prácticas comunicativas, mediaciones y resistencia: lecciones aprendidas y
perspectivas futuras sobre el activismo digital. In S. Rivera Magos (Ed.), Claves para la comprensión de
la cultura digital, Querétaro: Editorial Universitaria de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (pp. 187–

Treré, E. (2015). The Struggle Within: Discord, Conflict and Paranoia in Social Media Protest, in Dencik,
L. & Leistert, O. Critical Perspectives on Social Media and Protest: Between Control and Emancipation.
Lenham MD: Rowman & Littlefield (pp. 163–180)

Treré, E. (2014). Resistencia en México en los tiempos del Capitalismo Gore: La comunicación total
para rebelarse frente a la cultura de la muerte (trad. “Resistance in Mexico in times of Gore Capitalism:
total communication to rebel against the culture of death”). In A. Gumucio Dagron and A. Cadavid
(Eds.), Pensar desde la experiencia: La comunicación participativa en el cambio social (Thinking from
experience: Participatory communication in social change), Editorial UNIMINUTO, Bogotá, Colombia
(pp. 105–124).

Farinosi, M. and Treré, E. (2014). Social movements, social media and post-disaster resilience: towards
an integrated system of local protest. In T. Denison, M. Sarrica, L. Stillman (Eds.), Theories, Practices
and Examples for Community and Social Informatics. Victoria, Australia: Monash University Publishing
(pp. 63–85).

Treré, E. (2014). Cibernomadismo y activismo Líquido: Prácticas de resistencia de una ecología
alternativa (trad. “Cybernomadism and liquid activism. Resistance practices in an alternative ecology”).
In G. Espino Sanchez (Ed.), La insatisfacción con la democracia. Política convencional, movimientos
sociales y tecnologías digitales. Fontamara, Mexico City (pp. 73–97).

Treré, E. (2014). Más allá de la concepción instrumental de la comunicación en los movimientos
sociales: los medios como prácticas en el ecosistema comunicativo (trad. “Beyond the instrumental
conception of communication in social movements: media as practice within the communicative
ecosystem”). In V. Carmen Muriel Amezcua (Ed.), Comunicación y Cultura, UAQ editorial, Querétaro,
México (pp. 61–75).

Farinosi M. and Treré E. (2013). Citizen journalism after a natural catastrophe: the emergence of an
alternative public sphere. In S. Tosoni, M. Tarantino and C. Giaccardi (Eds.), Media & The City:
Urbanism, Technology and Communication. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (pp. 151–

Farinosi M. and Treré E. (2013). Attivismo sismico: partecipazione dal basso in un contesto di
emergenza (trad. “Seismic Activism: grassroots participation in an emergency context”). In M. Farinosi
and A. Micalizzi (Eds.), NetQuake: Media Digitali e Disastri Naturali. Dieci ricerche empiriche sul ruolo
della Rete nel terremoto dell’Aquila. Franco Angeli, Milan (pp. 79–99).

Treré, E. (2012). A manera de presentación. Un fantasma indignado recorre el mundo (trad. “By way of
introduction. A angry ghost travels the world”). In G. Espino Sánchez (Ed.), ¿Cyberrevolución en la
política? Mitos y verdades sobre la ciberpolitica 2.0 en México. México, D.F.: Editorial Fontamara (pp.

Treré, E. and Farinosi, M. (2012). (H)earthquake TV: “People rebuilding life after the emergency”. In A.
Abruzzese, N. Barile, J. Gebhardt and L. Fortunati (Eds). The New Television Ecosystem, Berlin: Peter
Lang (pp. 61–79).

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